Precision Growth System for the Tech Sector

We specialise in identifying Technology Sales Leads and Opportunities

It’s no surprise that sales cycles in the Tech Sector are often long and complex, with many points where opportunities can disappear in a flash.

Tech Torque’s proven process can fast-track your growth, by pinpointing your Best Fit target clients, and guiding you on how to maximise retention at every stage of the sales journey – from defining winnable markets and generating high value tech sales leads, through to converting leads into profitable clients and then expanding their value.

As an expert IT, Software and SaaS sales and marketing agency, this is exactly what Tech Torque does.

Our founder, Matthew Whyatt started his own software business at the age of 22, and went on to build the company to an annual turnover of over $100 million before selling.

He is passionate about the science of buyer-centric selling and empowering people to make the right decisions based on informed choices. That’s why he created Tech Torque.

The Tech Torque team has decades of combined experience within content marketing companies and demonstrated success in creating tactical marketing plans resulting in positive outcomes for our clients.

How Tech Torque works

Developed, tested and tuned to generate technology sales leads specifically for the tech sector, Tech Torque is a dedicated B2B sales and marketing agency. We take you through each stage of your business development cycle with a Precision Process aimed at maximising return and growth. We specialise in creating IT, software and SaaS and opportunities.

Our first step is to take you through our Precision Growth System which comprises four integrated elements:


Market Decider

We define your winnable Best Fit Markets. We refine your Message so you can overtake any competitor. We define your High Value Content to engage Best Fit Buyers. We chart your Roadmap to success.


Content Concentrator

We work out what makes your Best Fit Buyers tick. We map the gaps in your Sales Process to the Content they want. We create the right High Value Content to fuel and accelerate their Buyer Journeys.


Lead Automator

We build an Automated Growth Engine to Generate High Value Leads. We fuel it with your High Value Content and Fire It Up. We monitor, measure and tune it to maximise its High Performance.


Growth Accelerator

We create the Framework, Processes, Checklists & Tools to onboard, delight and retain Best Fit Clients. We help you regain Lost Clients and expand the value of All Clients through Referral and Client-only Offers.

Market Decider

You’ll waste cash and time if you try to win every market. But if you focus and dominate a few, you’ll quickly accelerate your growth

You can best dominate markets where you’re the Thought Leader – the specialist who knows exactly how to solve their unique problems. These are ‘uncontested markets’ or ‘blue ocean space’ where your solution is demonstrably the best.  

These markets or niches are where: 

Think about this: If your entire global market is worth A$1 billion, how much better off will you be with 80% of 1% of it compared to 0.001% of the lot?

Once you’ve defined your uncontested markets, you win each one and leverage your success in other with similar features.

Our Market Determinator takes through this step by step to define exactly where you will win, with what message and High Value Content..

Content Concentrator

Once you have the roadmap to markets you can win, you need high performance fuel to speed up the journey. This is your High Value Content.

To define the right content, you need to consider:

By creating High Value Content that helps them solve their problems, you’ll make it difficult for genuine prospects not to engage.

This will enable faster decisions, weed out more time-wasters and shorten your sales cycle.

Our Content Concentrator takes through this step by step to define exactly the right content and format you need.

Content Concentrator

Lead Automator

With your roadmap and fuel ready, you need to build a high performance engine to generate leads automatically

For maximum growth, you want the engine to reach top gear quickly and cruise with little fuel or effort so you can focus on the destination.

To build your growth engine, you need to consider;

Our Lead Generator takes you through the process step by step, building a Growth Engine based on email, web and social marketing that delivers High Value Leads while you sleep.

Growth Accelerator

Once your growth engine is generating leads, you must convert them into High Value Clients or all your effort will be wasted.

To do this, you need to think about:

This is when your growth can really take off.

Our Growth Accelerator takes you through this process step by step, creating the framework, tools, checklists, scripts and KPIs you need to maximise revenue and profit for every client.

Growth Accelerator

One-on-one expert support for your strategy, sales, and marketing!

Book your seat at the Tech Sales Accelerator MasterClass to be one of 10 people to deliver incredible results to your business in just 6 weeks.