Meet the Tech Torque Leadership Team


founder & Chief Sales Strategist

Matthew loves the science of buyer-centric selling and empowering people to make the right decisions based on informed choices. What he doesn’t like is overbearing sales techniques focused more on getting a client’s money than creating successful outcomes for them.

He started his first software business at age 22 and built it to over $100 million in turnover. That success wasn’t just because of some sound technology – the growth was fuelled by the precision selling and business processes that Matthew developed and applied across the company.

After he sold the company and took a well-deserved sabbatical, he was keen to explore new challenges. The privilege of meet Bob Urichuck from Velocity Selling, lead to his appointment as CEO of the Australian operation – and Matthew is very proud of their achievements together during his tenure.

The time had come for Matthew to distil the proven sales processes and strategies which combine the methods he’d developed, and lessons he’d learned over 20 years of success. Tech Torque Systems was born – the first end-to-end Growth System for Software and Technology companies



Jan’s history of orchestrating successful outcomes begins with understanding and effectively distilling our client’s goals – whether they entail product launch, business growth, existing customer satisfaction, or stakeholder buy-in.
Her thorough due-diligence and exceptional strategic thinking has resulted in communications across all mediums that deliver time and again. The ability to create close and long-term working relationships is a testimony to her talent and dedication, and brings many benefits to our clients. Jan’s enviable track record of excellence is evidenced by over 19 prestigious peer-voted industry marketing awards.
Her portfolio of work includes many examples of her ability to turn a simple idea into a great idea; a highly technical subject into an understandable piece of communication; a small budget project into a big success.
Her greatest loves are Darrel, her gorgeous partner; and a need for speed – satisfied by her beloved 650cc Kawasaki Ninja ‘Pickle’ and her hotted-up Mazda RX8 ‘Sozzi’.


Content & Creative Specialist

For 11 years Richard has been creating content for a range of business types and structures. He loves the process of discovering the true value within a business and communicating that through engaging, strategic and unique content.

His passion is video production, but also focusses his efforts on developing content for a range of different mediums. He is committed to finding new and innovative ways to increasing output for clients, whilst maintaining the quality of the end result.

He lives in the hills in VIC, and when he’s not in content world, he’s slipping and falling down hills trying to construct something in his backyard.

Desiree the Milo Model



Desiree is the glue that holds the Tech Torque team together. After 14 years in the insurance sector managing large teams through periods of volatility and innovation, she now controls the delicate juggling act that is Project Management for a mob of creatives.

Able to create calm from the chaos, Desiree keeps all team members informed of their performance against project milestones and keeps us on track. She has the deepest respect of her TT colleagues for her extensive knowledge, efficient multi-tasking and collaboration skills, not to mention her can-do attitude! 

When not taking care of business, Desiree loves keeping fit and spending time with her utterly adorable Nieces and Nephews.

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